AMDG I, a follower of Christ Jesus, to you, fellow followers in all diversity of circumstances. The peace of Our Lord be with you. At a conference last year, I stopped at a booth for a religious community I had never heard of. I chatted briefly with the two representatives. I liked what I learned, and they were attentive and engaged. One of them was a vocations director, and he asked me if I had considered religious life. Yes, I would love to join religious life. However, I am transgender. Ah. Now he assured me that God is calling me to something. But not to life with his order. I would have to figure it out. The smile was still amiable, but the interest was gone. Here’s a pamphlet about their work in Chicago. Bye. Vocation comes up a lot in conversation. It’s my anchor into LGBTQ issues. It’s a perpetual topic of advertisement in the church. And it’s something I’m still actively figuring out – and maybe will be for the rest of my time on Earth. But a few things about these ...