
Showing posts from February, 2023

By this time in another life

 AMDG I, a servant of the Lord, joyful to do his will despite the hardships that have come so far, to you, my brothers, sisters, neighbors, strangers. Grace and peace to you wherever you are. If things had gone differently last summer, that is, if I were allowed to apply to join the Jesuits, I would have submitted my application over the summer or fall. It probably would have been reviewed at the December candidate review board meeting. This is bold to say, but birth-sex aside I think my application would have been approved. I would now be in the interview process, speaking with Jesuits, doing evaluations, and attending retreats, all the while anticipating an August 2023 entrance to the novitiate. How different things would be. As I suspect has come across in my writings, I have experienced blessings upon blessings this fall and winter. At some point over the winter I also got so absorbed in some personal projects and daydreams that my mission in the church took second fidd...