a pause for outreach


I, your least brother, to you, my beloved brethren, grace and peace. I hope the Christmas and epiphany seasons continue to bless you with light and warmth.

When I was discontinued from my vocation track, one of the first things I did was search Google and Facebook for groups of similar people, anyone who had asked to join and gotten the answer, "no." I knew that a lot of people are rebuffed, and I was convinced that if there could be Facebook groups for all manner of triviality, surely there would be one for people processing this grief. For better or worse, I found none. Instead I have come to awareness of the interpersonal network, like the collective roots of a forest, stretching out from those whom I know to well beyond the horizon of my imagination. There is something beautiful about it, every fiber a lovingly formed connection. Every node resting in its own context.

I am going to begin an outreach effort. I would like to support other trans people with religious vocations. I would like to us to be able to support one another in our respective paths toward holiness and the greater glory of God. This requires us to know one another. And that requires us to find one another. Over at least the next few weeks, I am going to devote my writing time to outreach, mainly to vocations contacts. I will be using the email jamesthepilgrim@gmail.com. Feel free to share this as a public email address.

I know that you pray for me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. God willing, I will share and multiply those blessings.


Your Other Brother


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